4 books about climate change you need to read

Oct 3, 2022 | Anne Reddacliff, Books, Environmental awareness

Readers are leaaders! If you want ot know more about climate change, look no further than your public library. It’s Buy Nothing New Month in October so instead of hitting the bookshops ( so tempting for us librarians!) visit your local library and stock up on books about climate change. Here are 4 recent titles you might enjoy. 

The Climate Cure: Tim Flannery outlines the realities of climate change and what we need to do to take actiuon. Written in light of COVID-19 and the 2020 bushfire crisis, this book is an eye opening exploration of how climate change becomes climate crisis.

Beyond Climate Grief: Jonica Newby loves snow. So when she hears that global warming could mean the end of it she is devastated. But her feelings are part of a much wider epidmic called climate grief. This book tackes how to find a meaning and hope amidst our current climate crisis.

Earthshot: The Earthshot prize derives its name from the phrase “shooting the moon”. It is a global environmental award endorsed by HRH Prince William. In this book you will find facts and figures and see real life solutions to the problems of our planet.

The Future We Choose: This book is a proactive look at climate change. The authors spell out the global implications of not acting versus the targets we need to implement to prevent further damage to the earth’s atmosphere. A global insight into climate change, The Future We Choose dares us to imagine a brighter future than the one we are heading for now.

So let October be your month to get reading! Any one of these books will give you the real deal on climate change, but their authors also provide us with hope that we can do something about it. They say a book can change a life, we like to think a book can save the planet too!

By Anne Reddacliff, ALIA Sustainable Libraries Group Committee Member

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